Just got back from 10 days in Italy. Did all the usual things -- Venice canals, Florentine art, Vatican City, Roman ruins. We have plenty of pictures if you'd like to see them. Or would you rather see what we brought back? I thought so.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Best Souvenir

If you go to see the ruins in Rome, buy this book.  It has pictures of all major sites -- the Colosseum, the  Forum, the house of the Vestal Virgins, etc. with overlays that show what these areas looked like in ancient Rome.  Street vendors in front of the Colosseum were charging 25 Euro for the book, but you can buy it in a bookshop downtown for half that.  There are several versions -- some are bigger and the better ones have transparent overlays.  All versions seem to come with multi-lingual DVDs.

Have this book with you when you go to see the Roman ruins.  You won't be sorry.

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