Just got back from 10 days in Italy. Did all the usual things -- Venice canals, Florentine art, Vatican City, Roman ruins. We have plenty of pictures if you'd like to see them. Or would you rather see what we brought back? I thought so.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Worst Souvenir

When you think Italy, you think pasta, right?  We saw bags of pasta in lots of gift shops -- most of it brightly colored, flavored (spinach,salmon, squid, etc) or even striped.  But in Italian supermarkets, the shelves were filled with the same Barilla pasta we buy here in Safeway.

The other thing you saw everywhere was pictures of the David.  Mostly not  the whole David, just his crotch.  You could get David's private parts on aprons, boxer shorts, T-shirts, and more.

So my pick for the worst souvenir of Italy combines these two trends --David pasta.  Look closely.  Good appetite.


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